Thursday, October 1, 2009

Your older than you've ever been and now you're even older

Happy almost birthday to me.

While making my birthday list I decided that I am indeed a very boring person.

This year when I sat down to think of things I want I came up with the following:

Have the carpet professionally cleaned.

A deep pasta pot with a lid.

A electronic baby nasal aspirator.

A night out with my husband.

Yup, that is right I want an electric snot sucker for my birthday. Technically of course it is to use on someone else but the thought of not having to sit on the children while I attempt to use the old bulb syringe type sounds nice. Something that makes my life easier seems like a perfect present to me. Forget the diamonds, give me some useful baby gear and I am over the moon.

The list as a whole made me laugh at myself.

I am glad that it takes such small things to make me happy and my husband is lucky that I ask for such cheap stuff.

So maybe it does not make me boring but rather content with what I already have.

1 comment:

  1. I actually went out and bought myself that electronic booger sucker. Some things you just have to get for yourself I guess.
