Sunday, August 23, 2009

decisions, decisions

Around the time my little Miss Midge (short of course for her full name of Miss Midgy Squidgy) turned one I began to agonize over the big decision *Are we done?*.

We never really made a final determination on the issue of more babies after having a fourth little girl. I still am unsure of what I really want today. The thought of her being the last baby makes me feel so sad, but I suppose everyone feels a bit of that. But I do think ahead to the someday where as a group we are a little older, a little more portable and can enjoy a larger variety of activities. I can even, if I really squint my eyes and imagine, see what our life will be like when they are all need me not quite so urgently.

We also have the big plans of owning our own business sometime in the future. Which would be easier with a few less little people hanging on my ankles. I could work doing something other than laundry and playing referee.

I made the attempt to discuss this some with my darling husband, who takes a more casual approach to things than I do. He think it is okey-dokey to have more and everything will all just work itself out. Apparently he is not down with the whole think it to death approach I have been using. Which is probably good.