Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Agree to disagree- is there such a thing as a fair fight?

I married the king of debate.

Sometimes I think he actually enjoys a fight. He gets kind of a devious sparkle in his eyes when we start to argue. I am guilty of biting my tongue just to avoid the sheer time commitment that one of our spirited discussions may entail, and I am a girl who likes to speak her mind. But I have reached the point where I have realized it is OK to disagree even with people you love.

I don't think my darling has yet to get to this place. He still fights to win. The only thing is when you are married when one person wins, we sort as a unit all lose. When I say I don't want to fight about it anymore I actually mean it. I mean let's just agree that we will not agree on this front and drop the subject before we cause any hurt feelings. Because holding my tongue as a method of avoidance makes me feel very false and I like to think of myself as a genuine person. So we need to be able to call a truce. When I was younger and had more fight in me I would have stayed up all night long arguing with you about the merits of say, the foster care system but now I just am completely comfortable with knowing that we have a difference of opinion.

We have grown so much together as a couple in our time together- hopefully with enough time we can master the art of the fair fight if such a thing does indeed exist.

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