Friday, July 31, 2009

I am blessed.

I read a few other mommy blogs on a regular basis and recently read a post about losing a child. Even reading about another mom going through that is gut wrenching. Usually I feel the sudden urge to hug my own kids and say a quick prayer that they are always safe from harm. In the midst of all the raising them it is hard to remember how lucky I am that they are all here and healthy enough to be shrieking at each other. I have been making a conscious effort to be more grateful. I have many things I am thankful for that I am so accustomed to that I forget that they are blessings and not just a given.

My wonderful daughters. I love my girls so much more than I ever knew I had the capacity for.
They scream and fight and laugh and dance. They are crazy and sweet and sometimes angry. My life is so much fuller for knowing them.

My always interesting husband. After 11 years together I still would rather spend time with Sam than anyone else in the whole world. He challenges my thinking and stretches my patience like no one else ever has and I am never bored with him. He is truly a part of me. Along with him I inherited a group of in laws that I really, sincerely love. I am so grateful for you being a part of my life.

My comfortable home. It contains everything I need for living comfortably. I have functional appliances, hot and cold running water, food and even a bunch of extra cushy stuff like the computer, TV and central air. I am so lucky that I am not wanting for any essentials.

My trusty vehicle. It takes me places that are farther than I could go on foot and is big enough to accommodate the whole family and our groceries. Not having the option of leaving my little town of a few hundred would be a pretty limiting.

Early in my life I did not from time to time have some of these things that most of us do like hot water and food. My life is good and I need to take a breath, slow down and just appreciate it.

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